
We're excited you have made the decision to be baptized! Please complete this brief lesson on water baptism and we will be in contact with you soon.

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Lesson 1: Who Should Be Baptized?

At the moment you placed your faith in the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, you experienced the "new birth" and became a child of God! John 1:12 teaches us that all who receive Jesus Christ by believing in Him are given the power, or right, to become God's children! There's nothing else we must do to become a child of God; we simply and sincerely have to place our trust in what Jesus did for us on the cross, and that's it!

Therefore, water baptism doesn't save us, but it is an outward expression - a declaration to all - that we are saved, that we are a child of God.

To further illustrate, READ the following verses of Scripture and ANSWER the following questions:

Lesson 2: What Is Water Baptism?

Now that we have established who should be baptized, the obvious question is, "What is water baptism?"

Simply put, water baptism is a picture of what Christ has done in our heart. It is a symbolic act that shows in a visible way that:

  • I have been forgiven and Christ has washed away my sins.
  • I have buried my old sinful life and have been raised from spiritual death to a new life in Christ.
  • I have become a true follower of Jesus Christ.

Some have referred to water baptism as a pledge of allegiance to the Lord. In baptism, we take our stand with Jesus in front of others and confess our faith and our desire to please Him by our obedience to be baptized.

To further illustrate, READ the following verses of Scripture and ANSWER the following questions (fill in the blank)

Lesson 3: How Should I Be Baptized?

Now that we have established who should be baptized and what water baptism is, the next obvious question is, "How should I be baptized?"

The New Testament church practiced baptism by immersion, simply meaning to be fully submerged under water, and this is the method adopted by Community Harvest Church.

The word "baptize" means "to dip, submerge, or immerse." The Greek word for baptism - baptizo - often refers to a drowning or to the sinking of a ship. Additionally, it's worth noting that every time the New Testament refers to the practice of baptism, it uses the word baptizo. Therefore, it's clear that Scripture teaches we are to be fully submerged in water to truly be baptized. Lastly, it's also important to note that, as we have already seen in Lesson 2, baptism is a picture of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Therefore, baptism is intended to be by full immersion in the water, just as Jesus went down into the grave and was raised to life again.

To further illustrate, READ the following verses of Scripture and ANSWER the following questions:
Thank you for completing the water baptism lessons. We will contact you soon!
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