Will We Have Authority Over Angels?

Jan 5, 2023    Pastor Duane Harney, Casey Coffman, DeWight Smith

Happy New Year!

This week...

Should we write in and/or highlight our Bibles?Will we have authority over angels in the Millennial Reign and beyond - AND - will we interact with them as we would interact with the saints?Why did the demons in Luke 8 ask to be cast into a herd of swine - AND - Can animals be demon possessed - AND - What appended to the demons when the swine died? In Acts 2:38. why does Peter say to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and not in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit?Casey's Randoms

The Crew: Casey Coffman, DeWight Smith & Sr. Pastor Duane Harney

The Fan Club President and Founder: Dillon Keller

The Fan Club VP: Robb Hayden

The Voice: Julie Miller

The Executive Producer: Allen Miller