A Valentine's Special with Phil & Carol Morton

Feb 10, 2022    Casey Coffman, DeWight Smith, Pastor Duane Harney

An episode devoted to all things love and marriage, with special guests, Phil and Carol Morton.

If you are single, married, considering marriage, will be married, are newlywed, have been married for many years, have a great marriage, or have a not-so-great marriage, this episode is for you!

We also encourage you to attend Phil & Carol's 12-week marriage class on Sundays at 11am in Room #102.

Phil and Carol Morton impart much wisdom and offer practical, Biblical advice to having a great marriage. Don't miss it!

The Rightly Divided Crew: Casey Coffman, DeWight Smith and Sr. Pastor Duane Harney
The Voice: Julie Miller
Executive Producer: Allen Miller