A Conversation About Our Conversation

Jan 6, 2022    Casey Coffman, DeWight Smith, Pastor Duane Harney

Happy New Year from the Rightly Divided crew to all of you!

The Rightly Divided crew with Pastor Duane Harney answers your questions!

* How important is our conduct and our conversation?

* When The Rapture takes place, will our bodies remain behind or be raptured with us?

* How will those left behind after The Rapture explain what happened?

* Casey's Randoms

* A new voice joins the podcast!

Thanks for listening! Be sure to tune in next week as we answer more of your questions! To ask a question, please visit http://communityharvest.church/ask.

Rightly Divided Crew: Casey Coffman, DeWight Smith and Sr. Pastor Duane Harney

The Voice: Julie Miller
Executive Producer: Allen Miller